Efficient map use: integration of geodata and route planning in applications

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebqEEON3CCE Effiziente Kartennutzung in Anwendungen integrieren Die Integration von Karten und Geodaten in Anwendungen hat sich zu einem unverzichtbaren Bestandteil moderner Softwareentwicklung entwickelt. Kartenanwendungen bieten zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, Arbeitsprozesse zu optimieren und Benutzererlebnisse zu bereichern. In unserem neuesten Video stellen Peter Stangl und Michael Schaffer-Glößl von CIIT Software zwei zentrale Anwendungsbeispiele von Kartendiensten vor. Der Business […]

Intelligent cost recording with AI: How to save time and effort

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1pYdLiBkSE Intelligent cost recording with AI: Efficiency rethought In a world where companies are confronted with a multitude of invoices and cost items every day, the efficiency of accounting processes is becoming increasingly important. With the increasing complexity of the data, it is important to minimize time-consuming manual processes and rely on intelligent solutions. This is exactly where […]

CIIT is Top 2025 Company on kununu

We are delighted to announce that we have been named a "Top 2025 Company" by kununu! A big thank you to our colleagues at CIIT Software who rated us and supported us. In this article, we would like to give you an insight into what this award means and how we got there. What does the award mean […]

Web Services

Web Services: The cornerstone of modern online applications Web services are a fundamental component in today's networked world, as they enable communication and data exchange between different applications and systems over the Internet. This article provides an in-depth look at the world of web services, how they work, types and importance for developing modern software applications. […]

Individual software development

Custom Software Development: Tailored Solutions for Specific Requirements In the digital age, software is omnipresent and plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of modern business life. While standardized software solutions are sufficient for many applications, there are situations in which companies require specific, tailor-made solutions. This is where individual software development comes into play. Definition and meaning Individual software development […]

VinPilot: Automatisierte Prozesssteuerung für Weinkellereien

Weinherstellung ist eine Kunst, die auf Tradition basiert, aber heute mehr denn je durch innovative Technologien unterstützt wird. Gemeinsam mit der in Klosterneuburg ansässigen WFT GmbH, besser bekannt unter ihrem Markennamen VinPilot, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter für Gärsteuerungen und Automatisierungstechnik, hat die CIIT Software aus Wien eine Softwarelösung entwickelt, die die Prozesse in Weinkellereien revolutioniert. […]

Individual software development for APF

APF – Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights In this blog entry we would like to present a project that we implemented for the Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights in record time. The Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights (apf) is an independent arbitration board for rail, bus, ship and air traffic. If no direct solution is possible with the company, […]