CIIT team in an internal meeting

Code & architecture reviews

Have you developed a software application in your company or had it developed by an external service provider? Would you like to have the quality of the application assessed or identify potential for improvement?


We regularly conduct reviews for software architectures, technical software design, user experience and code quality. Our sole aim is always to develop constructive suggestions on how code quality and the structure of the software can be improved.


Phases of the review

The review is typically structured as follows:

Review Phasen

1) Getting the Big Picture

  • First meeting – getting to know each other & introduction from the customer side, handover of code & documentation
  • Automated code inspections
  • Analysis layering and design (patterns)
  • Analysis of vertical non-functional services
  • Analysis of the use of frameworks
  • Cross-layer analysis of use cases
  • Control of conformity regarding guidelines and NFRs (Non Functional Requirements)


2) Verification & Meeting

  • Discussions with stakeholders (project managers, scrum masters, product owners, architects, developers)
  • Identifying vulnerabilities in software engineering methodology


3) In-depth analysis & documentation

  • Expert analysis of the identified hotspots
  • documentation of the results
  • Development of a constructive catalogue of measures to improve


4) Report & Results Workshop

  • Presentation of results and recommendations to management
  • Feedback to the development team and discussion of the measures in a workshop

Analyzed system qualities

  • Security
  • Performance, throughput and scalability
  • Maintainability
  • Flexibility & expandability
  • Reusability
  • Functional reliability and availability
  • Manageability
  • Usability
  • user friendliness
  • accessibility


Review Layers & Tiers

  • Client level: Use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, web frameworks such as Angular, React, jQuery, Bootstrap
  • REST level: Security & exception handling, granularity of remote services
  • Business level: Avoiding technical dependencies, facading techniques, transactions
  • Integration level: Correct use of patterns & frameworks, database access code, data model

Review of cross-sectional services

  • Transaction Handling
  • Logging
  • Multi-threading
  • Memory Consumption
  • Exception Handling
  • Authentication / Authorization / Security
  • I18N (Internationalization)


Results report

  • Detailed results in the form of a report
  • Suggestions for improvement in document form and as a developer workshop
  • Management Summary
Codereview Ampelbewertung

Final report

The review concludes with the delivery of the final report. You, as the client, receive both a detailed, technical report of the results and a summary for decision-makers, from which clear recommendations for action can be derived.


Contact us!

Let us realize your vision together. We look forward to your inquiry!