CIIT AI Demo Chatbot

CIIT is committed to integrating AI components into customer systems through a variety of projects.
The implementation of a chatbot that is enriched with specific data is uncomplicated and offers a wide range of possible uses. For example, it can serve as a supplement to user manuals, answer questions about products and services and take on functions that go far beyond this.
Compared to traditional chatbots and search mechanisms, our approach is characterized by the ability to formulate answers individually. This significantly increases user satisfaction.
CIIT develops individual AI chatbots for customers – Part 1

CIIT Software creates your individual AI chatbot based on ChatGPT. Our customers can feed this individual chatbot with their own data and also limit the topics that the chatbot answers. The chatbot can then be integrated into any application, be it an intranet or internet application. How does this work technically and what are your own confidential […]
Process of a project at CIIT Software

Introduction In a world in which customized software solutions are becoming increasingly important, many interested parties are wondering how the development process works at a professional software company. CIIT Software, as an experienced provider in this area, attaches great importance to a transparent and customer-oriented project process. In this presentation we would like to give interested parties a detailed insight into how a [...]
CIIT introduces itself – personally and authentically

We would like to introduce ourselves to you. Who are the people who work here, what is important to us, what are our strengths? Why do we love our work, what is our recipe for success?
CIIT GmbH in business talk

On August 3, 2022, a film team from Vienna visited the CIIT GmbH offices to spotlight our company and the topic of individual software development for the broadcaster ntv Austria. Michael Schaffle-Glößl and Katarina Schaffler-Glößl had their say in the interview. The finished film was released on the 23rd and 24th […]
Overview Spring Annotations

Customers are regularly asking me if there is some overview over the most important Spring annotations. Until now I always refused to create such an overview, too simplified it would be, I thought. Finally, I did it and I thought, maybe it might be useful for beginners using Spring framework and related APIs. Hope […]