From us, about us and the technology.

Video CIIT entwickelt AI Chatbot

CIIT develops individual AI chatbots for customers – Part 1

CIIT Software creates your individual AI chatbot based on ChatGPT. Our customers can feed this individual chatbot with their own data and also limit the topics that the chatbot answers. The chatbot can then be integrated into any application, be it an intranet or internet application. How does this work technically and how is your own confidential data protected?

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Process of a project at CIIT Software

Introduction In a world in which customized software solutions are becoming increasingly important, many interested parties are wondering how the development process works at a professional software company. CIIT Software, as an experienced provider in this area, attaches great importance to a transparent and customer-oriented project process. In this presentation we would like to give interested parties a detailed insight into how a development project at CIIT typically works

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VinPilot: Automatisierte Prozesssteuerung für Weinkellereien

Weinherstellung ist eine Kunst, die auf Tradition basiert, aber heute mehr denn je durch innovative Technologien unterstützt wird. Gemeinsam mit der in Klosterneuburg ansässigen WFT GmbH, besser bekannt unter ihrem Markennamen VinPilot, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter für Gärsteuerungen und Automatisierungstechnik, hat die CIIT Software aus Wien eine Softwarelösung entwickelt, die die Prozesse in Weinkellereien revolutioniert. Die neue VinPilot-Software setzt Maßstäbe

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Individual software development for APF

APF – Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights In this blog entry we would like to present a project that we implemented for the Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights in record time. The Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights (apf) is an independent arbitration board for rail, bus, ship and air traffic. If a direct solution is not possible with the company, apf will help the injured party free of charge

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Our new office building

Our new office building was finally completed in the middle of the year. Our developers have now moved in on the ground floor and first floor. The offices are equipped with height-adjustable desks to offer our employees the most ergonomic workplace possible. On the 2nd floor is the large conference room for our meetings and the new, modern coffee kitchen. There's also a football table for use during breaks

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Video CIIT entwickelt AI Chatbot

CIIT develops individual AI chatbots for customers – Part 1

CIIT Software creates your individual AI chatbot based on ChatGPT. Our customers can feed this individual chatbot with their own data and also limit the topics that the chatbot answers. The chatbot can then be integrated into any application, be it an intranet or internet application. How does this work technically?

Process of a project at CIIT Software

Introduction In a world in which customized software solutions are becoming increasingly important, many interested parties are wondering how the development process works at a professional software company. CIIT Software, as an experienced provider in this area, attaches great importance to a transparent and customer-oriented project process. In this presentation we would like to unite interested parties

VinPilot: Automatisierte Prozesssteuerung für Weinkellereien

Weinherstellung ist eine Kunst, die auf Tradition basiert, aber heute mehr denn je durch innovative Technologien unterstützt wird. Gemeinsam mit der in Klosterneuburg ansässigen WFT GmbH, besser bekannt unter ihrem Markennamen VinPilot, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter für Gärsteuerungen und Automatisierungstechnik, hat die CIIT Software aus Wien eine Softwarelösung entwickelt, die

Individual software development for APF

APF – Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights In this blog entry we would like to present a project that we implemented for the Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights in record time. The Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights (apf) is an independent arbitration board for rail, bus, ship and air traffic. It's not a direct solution

Our new office building

Our new office building was finally completed in the middle of the year. Our developers have now moved in on the ground floor and first floor. The offices are equipped with height-adjustable desks to offer our employees the most ergonomic workplace possible. On the 2nd floor is the large conference room for our meetings and the