AI Tech Talk: AI in individual software development

Be there: Inspiring lectures and innovative solutions from software experts at CIIT

THURSDAY, 26.9.2024 - 08:45 (CET) - FREE!

The CIIT-Software, an experienced provider of customized software solutions with locations in Vienna and Munich, is pleased to announce an AI Tech Talk on September 26, 2024 at 08:45 am (CET). The topic of the event is the integration of AI components in individual software development. The event will be offered as a hybrid event, so participation is possible both on site and online. The exact venue in Vienna will be announced, but the registration is already open. Participation is free.

In terms of content, the AI Tech Talk is aimed at software developers and technical decision-makers in companies and offers a unique opportunity to gain a practical insight into the world of AI technologies. Experienced IT experts will present in several lectures how AI can be successfully integrated into individual software. Using concrete customer projects, they will show what potential can be tapped and how software solutions can be sustainably revolutionized in order to meet the specific and constantly growing requirements of companies.

The program:

Lecture 1:     How AI text is generated – Transformer architecture explained (Benjamin Rowley)
Lecture 2:     Spring AI – Developing intelligent applications with Spring (Bernhard Löwenstein)
Lecture 3:     Introduction to Machine Learning – From linear models to neural networks (Benedikt Hausberger)
Lecture 4:     AI Tools for Developers – Practical tools for modern software development (Michael Schaffler-Glößl)
Lecture 5:     Project examples at CIIT (Benjamin Rowley & Benedikt Hausberger)
Lecture 6:     Data protection and data security: Protecting sensitive data in the age of artificial intelligence (Peter Stangl)

Our speakers:

Benjamin Rowley
Benjamin Rowley has been writing apps at CIIT for three years. Over the last few months he has been focusing on developing AI solutions and designing our AI training course for developers.

Bernhard Löwenstein
Mag. DI Bernhard Löwenstein studied computer science and computer science management at the Vienna University of Technology. He has worked as a developer, trainer and consultant for Java and related frameworks for almost two and a half decades.

Benedict Hausberger
As a dedicated master's student at the TU Vienna and emergency paramedic, Benedikt Hausberger brings extensive problem-solving skills, which he demonstrates daily at CIIT as a full-stack developer and AI enthusiast.

Peter Stangl
Ing. Peter Stangl works at CIIT as a senior software engineer and project manager. In recent months he has been working intensively on the integration of AI technologies in custom software development.

Michael Schaffler-Glößl
As CTO of CIIT GmbH, DI Michael Schaffler-Glößl is responsible for the strategic direction of the company. He also conducts training courses for IT professionals.

"Our goal with our AI Tech Talk is to make the possibilities of AI in individual software development tangible and to show how companies can benefit from the use of these technologies. This unique event offers a wonderful opportunity to promote dialogue between experts and to make valuable contacts."

Take the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about AI in individual software development and exchange ideas with like-minded people at our AI Tech Talk. During the event, you can also enjoy a delicious selection of food and drinks provided by our catering. Secure your place and benefit from a day full of innovation and inspiration. Feel free to encourage colleagues to participate. Register now for free!

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